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International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Cyber security guide for business

dimanche 3 mai 2015

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Cyber security guide for business was inspired by the Belgian Cyber security guide, an initiative of ICC Belgium and VBO-FEB, and the EY Belgium and Microsoft Belgium, with the B-CCENTRE and ISACA Belgium. Well-appreciated in Belgium, the Guide was offered to ICC’s Digital Economy Commission as a model that could be adapted to serve as a global resource with the permission of the companies and organizations involved.

ICC kindly recognizes the contribution of those involved in the preparation and production of the Belgian guide as well as those members of the ICC Task Force on Cyber Security that developed the global guide.

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has a proud, nearly hundred-year history of providing companies with tools and selfregulatory guidance to promote good business practice. As the world business organization, whose membership is composed of enterprises from all sectors and regions, ICC is especially pleased to provide business of all sizes this simple, clear guide to help business play their part in addressing the increasingly serious challenge of cyber security.

ICC is an organization dedicated to facilitating trade and investment, including to foster
confidence in the digital economy and to increase the considerable opportunities that it brings to business, consumers, governments and society. Interconnectivity has transformed not just the marketplace but has changed the fabric of society. The benefits that flow from greater access to knowledge, information, goods and services are made possible by a global and open Internet. It needs to be trusted and secured. Therefore, any cyber security strategy should be appropriate, justified and proportionate, to preserve these benefits.

Because security – like perfection – is an elusive goal with multiple trade-offs, it can also be a daunting topic. Fear or lack of awareness can be a barrier to ensuring businesses evaluate risks and take suitable actions. This guide makes awareness a simple set of steps and takes down the intimidation barrier. ICC has produced the
Cyber security guide for business to reach a broad audience with its over six million
members in mind. It is intended to be accessible to business owners, staff or executives, not just limited to information technology teams, and it should be shared with business partners in the supply chain of goods and services and with the public sector to enhance resilience as broadly as possible.

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