Accueil > Actualités > FBI Given Powers by Supreme Court To Hack Any Device They Want, How They Want

FBI Given Powers by Supreme Court To Hack Any Device They Want, How They Want

mardi 3 mai 2016

The US Supreme Court has given a fatal blow to the tech world and its companies after passing regulations which entitle the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to be able to hack into computers. The powers will be essentially useful in cases where there has been a cyber crime, and they need powers to hack into phones. The new rules will also give the FBI to enter the victims phones, and the legislation will take effect from December this year, that is unless the Congress, both lower and upper, decide to make up contesting legislation.

Under previous federal rules that were in force which pertained to criminal proceedings, a magistrate judge could not just issue out a search warrant unless the authorities knew where the computer or mobile device in question was. This was due to the jurisdiction matter which would come into effect.

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